Blog Description

This blog is aimed to be South West TAFE's first point of reference for e-learning help and computer based tutorials, how-to's and other information. The screencasts featured here are inspired by questions from the South West TAFE teaching staff and students.
It is my aim that each week, one screencast will be added to this blog. If you have an I.T. question, and would like it answered in a screencast. Please email your question to with the words screencast question in the subject line.

The Author

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Blackboard - Backup your course.

This video is the first of many to come. It shows you how to back-up your course in Blackboard on the TAFE VC (Note we here at tafe call Blackboard TAFE VC. This will change now with the introduction of Moodle into the TAFE VC envirnment.)

The Importance of backing up your course remains an AQTF (I can spell it, just cant say it!) compliance issue. Its an issue because you need to keep the "Evidence of Participation" or "Tracking" data for a great length of time. As outlined in the video, this could be 7 years.
Why don't we just leave it on the Blackboard system? We currently need to clean up our old units and courses in Blackbaord to make way for the new courses in 2011. This means deletion and deletion means its gone if you happen to be audited some 5 years from now about your course. So it needs to be saved, and saved somewhere where its guaranteed its lifetime of whatever that concludes in the discussion. At the moment that is expected to somewhere around the 7 year mark, although this is expected to change. Be it more or less, really can't be said at the point of writing this. Hence why we save it to South West TAFE's W drive.

I hope the video comes across as useful. It was done in one tafe so there are errors, hence my poor stuttering of the acronym AQTF (seriously, whoever can say that 10 times super fast needs a medal!) :)
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  1. Great beginnings Andrew!!!
    Can I put in a request for uploading an assignment to TAFEVC for students as your next screencast?
    Also if you don't have Google Chrome does this make a difference to the download process?
    Lu :-)

  2. Great work Andrew, very easy to follow. I agree with Lu, some of my students had trouble uploading assignments last year. A screencast explaining the process would be very useful.
    Now say AQTF 3 times quickly!

  3. Hi Andrew...think it looks great!
    My suggestions for better improvement would be:
    to fix the double up of words in the second paragraph and also the last sentence in the second paragraph doesnt make sense to me.

    Also I think we should be using the online banner with the online logo that Tania has created the same as the website. There is a "Move into Moodle" logo that you could upload to advertise Moodle is coming and being trialled as we speak.
