Blog Description

This blog is aimed to be South West TAFE's first point of reference for e-learning help and computer based tutorials, how-to's and other information. The screencasts featured here are inspired by questions from the South West TAFE teaching staff and students.
It is my aim that each week, one screencast will be added to this blog. If you have an I.T. question, and would like it answered in a screencast. Please email your question to with the words screencast question in the subject line.

The Author

Monday, March 21, 2011

Getting started in Blackboard

This video is for Teachers getting started in Blackboard, or what we call the TAFE VC here at SWTAFE.

-Picking your tools
-uploading a file
-Creating a folder to share your files

It is important to note that there are two places in which your files live. There is the file manager where the file is physically stored. And then there is the Course Content page where the file is linked to.
The difference is that students will only see what files you have linked on the course content page, effectively hiding any other files you have stored in the file manager. Which is good, as this means you don't have to be perfectly tidy and organised in the file manager.

Now I have also been requested to provide a text alternative to these videos. So under each new video I create, will also be a brief set of written instructions. I will also try to add pictures to help illustrate the instructions as well but time will dictate just how many pictures I can add. It should also be noted that the video will go hand-in-hand with the written instructions so I recommend watching the video first to get a general idea about the topic and what's involved. So without any further ado:

The Written Instructions.

-The situation (What has to have been done prior to these instructions)

You have requested some units to be created in Blackboard (TAFE VC) and have received an email saying that your units have been created.
You have just logged into Blackboard.

1. Select your unit in the course list.
Click on one of your new Units from the Course list

2. Select what tools you wish to use in your course.
The common tools are:
-Calendar (For entering in important dates of interest in your course)
-Announcements (For sending out last minute information to your students. Example "Class cancelled" or "Don't forget the excursion this Friday")
-Discussions (A place to discuss course and social issues. Requires being set up correctly to work well)
-Assignments (Delivering and grading Assignments online for students. Requires being set up correctly to work well)
-Assessments (Online Tests. Can be graded automatically. Requires being set up correctly to work well)
-Weblinks (Links to other websites)
-Who's Online (Can see who else in the Unit is online)
-My Grades (Student Tool)

Click save once you have checked the boxes next to the tools you intend to use.

Note: Now it is important to note that not all of these tools will be used in a unit. So teachers should only pick what they intend to use (You can always come back and re-select a tool should you choose to use it later on) to avoid cluttering your tools and to reduce confusion with your students.

3. Upload a file.
To upload a file make sure you are in the Build View (There are three views available to teachers, located in the blue header.) and select File Manager from the build tools menu.
Click on "Add File" and browse for a file you wish to upload and press ok on the box.

4. Link to the File we just uploaded into the file manager.
Click on Course Content to return to the front page. Then click add file and then browse for files. Check the box next to the file you wish to link, and press ok.

And that's it. :)